黄运南 - 新加坡水彩与油画家 Singapore Online Watercolour Oil Painting Class, Workshops and Discussions by Ng Woon Lam NWS. American Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society International Show participating artist. Winners of many international art juried shows awards. Showed in Florence Biennale 2003.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Singapore Artist Art Critique Class Ng Woon Lam NWS MFA

Singapore Artist Art Critique Class
Ng Woon Lam NWS MFA
Students bring in paintings once a month for critique. I will provide exercises after every session.
Basic topics :
  1. Tonal Structures and Color Intrinsic Values
  2. Color Temperature and Color Theory
  3. Study of Light and Shadows; Introduction to different tonal keys.
  4. Design concepts and Basic composition guidelines
  5. Visual behaviours of paint textures, layers and surfaces
  6. Space construction and visual relationship of objects and space
  7. Study of Mass and Volume in Space
  8. Introduction to Edges

Advanced Topics :

  1. Western and Oriental visual space
  2. Introduction to important representational painters in history : Van Dyck, Chardin, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Rubens, Turners, Velasquez, Sargent, Zorn, Sorolla, Frans Hals, Homer, Degas, Manet, Monet .....
  3. Introduction to contemporary representational painters.
  4. Introduction of figurative elements in landscape painting + Basic figure anatomy
  5. Introduction of 2D surface abstraction and 19th and 20th century western art development
  6. Ways to challenge personal design habits hence enhancing one's ability to compose an image.
  7. Study of open form and close form painters and undertanding of edges
  8. Artistic research of painters' aim. Why do I paint???

My Workshop

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